Sport Balls Song with Tennis, Baseball, Volleyball, Rugby, Ping Pong

Sport Balls Song with Tennis, Baseball, Volleyball, Rugby, Ping Pong


Round and round, spinning circles

What kind of Ball are you??

Round and round, spinning circles

Tell me, what could it be?


(Verse 1)

Round and round, spinning circles

I'm a tennis… , tennisball

Hit me with your tennis racket

Swing, swing with all your might


(Verse 2)

Round and round, spinning circles

I'm a baseball, round and white

Throw me with your baseball glove

Pitch, pitch with all your might


(Verse 3)

Round and round, spinning circles

I'm a volleyball, in the air

Serve me over the net, now

Spike, spike without a care


(Verse 4)

Round and round, spinning circles

I'm a rugby ball, strong and bold

Pass me down the field, now

Run, run towards the goal


(Verse 5)

Round and round, spinning circles

I'm a ping pong ball, small and light

Hit me with your paddle, quickly

Bounce, bounce with all your might



Round and round, spinning circles

We are sports 

Sports balls

Round and round, round circles

It’s so much fun!


Let’s do it one more time!
